How my 2016 went…

I had started this Review before my workplace closed for the year and then a Colleague peeped the title and got a little upset with me. The title was : 2016 HAS BEEN UNDERWHELMING. He just couldn’t wrap his head around why I would pick such an unbecoming topic despite being one of the happiest girls all year. He went on to enumerate all the amazing things that happened to me over the year and how much I should be thankful instead of being unnecessarily unappreciative with that topic. This got me thinking guys, Maybe I am really being silly, maybe I should be more grateful, maybe the end of year review should have more spice, maybe the Happiness I am known for should be made the title for this and I really should not stop being happy, after all, I am the Happy girl and I share doses of happiness here and there. 

The year started with my birthday as usual, I had an amazing family, a lovely job with the best co workers, wonderful friends who would go every mile for me, admirers around who felt I was a source of inspiration to them in one way or the other, life was good. I did not have a boyfriend but I cannot exactly say that I was lonely, I had people I talked to and they treated me like I was an egg. See, I think I am a people person, I don’t know how that happened but it is what it is.

In March, my only sister got married to the love of her life, I mean that literally. You should see these two together, you would fall in love with love. Seeing her looking so happy made my year, I mean it. You really don’t know how much people mean to you until you see them so happy and you feel the happiness radiate in you too. It was a successful event and we couldn’t have been happier as a family. Yours truly was the Bestlady and trust me when I say it was lit!

Sometime in Late May, I started thinking a lot, a bit too much and that sort of affected me. I started having the feel that I was not where I wanted to be, I felt like I was supposed to be elsewhere and I did not see the need to be happy as I used to be. Everything looked a blur to me and I became a robot who only woke up everyday to do the things she did the previous day. It was so unreal because nobody knew, I still managed to be the smiling lady everyone knew and you wouldn’t have guessed I was shrinking. I know we are supposed to have goals and aspirations but have you ever felt like these goals could be bad for us especially when we start measuring our journey and feeling like these goals are far from reach, we tend to stop living. That was what happened to me, I couldn’t understand why certain things were happening to me, with how much I used to pray and how well behaved I was to everyone, it was a lot for me to bear and I started falling, deep!

I couldn’t take it anymore one day and I put a sad message up on my BBM, the influx of messages brought tears to my eyes, I got the warmest of messages from people who I ddn’t know how much I had influenced in the past. A particular young lady called me and listened to me cry, I was overwhelmed! She then went on to tell me how everyone has their battles and how I should look at the way I was perceived by everyone, how much I inspired her and how the world admires my strengths and ability to survive happily. That might have looked cliché but trust me, it touched me deeply, it was really beautiful to me and I made a conscious effort that night, to continue as the happy young lady I had grown to be, and to live life as it came. Thanks Seun, You are that amazing young lady who encouraged me!

 One thing that is worthy of note however, is that, all through this time, I never for once neglected my Salat, I would make sure I prayed and I would cry in sujud. I would do non obligatory prayers from time to time and bare it all out to God. My Olatoun was a big supporter with this and she kept encouraging me to not leave my prayers. I decided to analyse all the things that were seemingly making me sad and look at how they could be better, I realized that I really was dwelling on the non-important things and I had allowed fear and non satisfaction to grow, that had to stop! I began to do more happiness inclined things and made sure I avoided alone times, I kept praying too and brethren, It helped! Before I knew it, I had gotten my groove back, Alhamdulilah.

My big sister in Abuja got married in August and it was a beautiful experience. We were all teary at her Bridal shower as we exchanged mushy messages and she prayed deeply for us. You know, Sister Bisayo is so amazing that, If I start talking about her right now, we might not finish till tomorrow. Lol. I couldn’t have been happier especially as I know how much her husband adores her. Ya all know how big on love I am and seeing these two wonderful souls shower so much on each other gives me smiles every time.

Sometime in late August, I had accommodation issues and had to move out of the house I was fast. I was so devastated as I ddnt see it coming, I started crying again. ( Yes, I know I’m such a cry baby). I started questioning why certain things had to happen to me despite always striving to be good but I just had to understand that life isn’t exactly black and white. My parents came through at this time and they kept telling me how they were ready to sort out my issues. My friend and sister, Fatima, actually cleared her room already for me so I’d move in to stay as long as I wanted. Sunkanmi (the bestie), told me he’d come pick me with all my load to come stay at his place as he just couldn’t bear to watch me suffer. Dare (my brother from another mother) made a few calls and before I knew it, I got a room to myself, for free guys, a Free Room in Lagos!

I kept wondering what I had done to deserve the kind of constant love people always showed me and it dawned on me that God’s grace surpasses every thing else. All you need in this life of sin are God’s grace, mercy and every wonderful thing in between!.

My blog stats boomed a lot this year. I was a bit more consistent and the November Challenge brought me a lot of new friendships, meaningful conversation and true bonding. The reader’s community grew more and I feel like I have a special family in those who visit the blog from time to time and encourage me with their comments. I found myself getting many messages from strangers who liked what I was doing, one of such people is Maryam, a pretty lady who has grown to be a part of me. I got acquainted with many wonderful people this year, I won’t even lie. Bimpe, my very pretty housemate who makes it a point of duty to make sure I feed well and never tires of my incessant ‘ wahala’. Mutmainah, my long lost sister who social media brought my way again, she never stops buzzing to check on me. Kofoworola, my badass make up artiste friend , who beats my face to perfection every time (Though we met late last year, 2016 was when we grew our bond). I really cannot begin to mention everyone, but believe me, you all made my year!

In December, Allah blessed my sister with a beautiful baby girl, making my mum a Grandmother for the first time! I was so excited, still am. It doesn’t happen all the time that one gets a baby exactly nine months after her wedding . Alhamdulilah! That wasn’t all for December o. My elder brother got married to his woman and my crew and I turned it all up in the city of Abeokuta. I won’t lie, there were plenty celebrations in the family this year and we have nobody to thank but Allah and the many amazing people who wish us well. 

I am highly enthusiastic about the new year guys, beautiful things are already brewing and I feel like the best girl in the world. I am hopeful, and prayerful that 2017 will be better and with more good news. I pray for you, for myself, for everyone reading this, that our happiness will be genuine in the new year and we will keep getting better in our respective paths. As I always say, do not fret or be sad, Allah is indeed with us. I love you guys and I look forward to the journey of the new year, which I believe will be taken with you.  Oh wait! There are pictures !

I’ll be back. BOS

18 thoughts on “How my 2016 went…

  1. Your message is so inspirational and on point. I’m really glad you’re an important part of my 2016 story. You supported me when I was falling into pieces. May Allah be pleased with you.

  2. Omotolani….lol ,don’t laugh I’m serious, i am extremely proud of u and the woman you have become,i can only pray that God continues to drive you, and keep you for us… love you girl..2017 shall be even better for all of us, Amin

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